IISc’s FSID Launches Centre of Data for Public Good with a first-of-a-kind Symposium

Bangalore, November 24: In an initiative aimed at leveraging data for social good, the Foundation for Science Innovation and Development (FSID) within the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) announces the launch of the Centre of Data for Public Good (CDPG). The Centre is dedicated to advancing research, innovation, collaboration, and best practices in the realm of data science, analytics, and …

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GoT Launches India’s First Agricultural Data Exchange

A new chapter in the history of Indian Agriculture unfolded today with the successful launch of India’s first Agricultural Data Exchange (ADeX) in Hyderabad. Developed as a digital public infrastructure (DPI) for the agriculture sector, ADeX is a collaboration between the Government of Telangana, World Economic Forum, and the Indian Institute of Science. Hon’ble Minister for IT, Industries, and MA&UD, …

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